Monday, May 28, 2012

Great Lakes Fiber Festival Finds

Hilltop Heritage Farm
Briar Rose Fibers
I saw Anne Hanson from knitspot and baby knitspot's mom picking up some amazing Briar Rose.
I flirted briefly with a male knitter at the Briar Rose booth. We were both looking at the same yarn so he had great taste.
I regret not buying this yarn
Handwoven by Tina sock yarn
From Handwoven by Tina. I am really attracted by the color. I don't have anything in my stash that's yellow.
Josh helped me with my drop spindling.
First Drop Spindling 2012
I need to practice 15 minutes daily to create the muscle memory. Tour de Fleece will help with this.

I also regret not buying Twist & Knit when I saw it at the Fiber Optics booth after I first arrived. She was sold out by the time I came back to buy it.

Apparently, it's a difficult to get. I found it on Amazon and added it to my wish list bought it because it was almost sold out.
edit 5/29/2012 I didn't order from Amazon. I'm going right to Miriam Felton's website to order it so I can get a digital copy.

1 comment:

knitspot majordomo said...

it was so nice to meet you in briar rose's booth. wasn't it difficult to narrow down purchases in her booth? too many gorgeous fibers! thank you for being a loyal knitspot reader and keeping up with baby knitspot's progress.